Spring 2020
Kids’ Picks
Spring is finally here again! While this season is usually a time to celebrate everything new again, we know that it has been on the challenging side as well. If you have been hanging out at home this spring, we hope you have at least been able to spend time outside, seeing all of the wonderful things that spring brings to us!
Beach Reads
The spring edition of Beach Reads is usually my favorite. It’s the chance to tell you all about the great books I read over the winter. Unfortunately, everything about this spring is different than what we are used to. I’m pretty sure you have had the chance to do a whole lot of reading at this point.
Financially Speaking: Keys to Long-Term Investing
As I write this on March 7, the world is in a panic over the coronavirus. I always try to look at the bright side of things, but sometimes it’s difficult when the majority of the world seems to be panicking.
DVD: Divine Viewing Diversions - You’ll Laugh, You’ll Cry: Robin Williams Movies
He was one of a kind, to be sure. And we miss him. We lost him in 2014, much too soon.
Anticipation Is Keepin’ Me Waitin’
We can never know about the days to come
But we think about them anyway
And I wonder if I’m really with you now
Or just chasin’ after some finer day
Boosting Your Immunity When You Need It Most
Dear Friends – I hope you and yours are safe and well. It is a pretty incredible time in our history, as we find ourselves in an unprecedented attack by an invisible and formidable opponent known as the 2019 novel Coronavirus, which causes the viral disease COVID-19.
Spanish Wines: Mucho Diversity & Value
Spain is the third-largest producer of wine. There are more acres planted with vines in Spain than anywhere else in the world. Because Spain is a peninsula, the wine regions vary greatly, with very different climates between all the regions.
Seven Mile Style: A Night Out on the Town for Women
As I sit here in quarantine writing this, having a night out on the town seems like a dream! Fear not, my fellow social butterflies, soon enough we will be out at night, dancing our little hearts out. Now is the perfect time to check out local websites and put together some fun spring outfits.