Beach Reads: Holiday Gifts

I love everything about Christmas. From the white lights and homemade cookies to last-minute shopping and decorating trees. There isn’t anything about this holiday I don’t like. Now that I have children of my own, I have to admit that these days, the time leading up to Christmas is just as exciting. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, or another holiday, here are some titles that make great gifts when you aren’t sure what else to buy!


“Brief Answers to the Big Questions” by Stephen Hawking

When Stephen Hawking passed away in March, he left a void on our planet. From his incredibly intelligent mind, to his sneaky sense of humor and his courageous battle with ALS, everyone has something they could learn from him. The most renowned scientist since Albert Einstein, he educated the world with his groundbreaking work in physics and cosmology. Even when ALS had claimed everything, he still found a way to have his voice heard on issues that mattered to him most. Hawking believed science would help fix the earth’s problems, and in his book he addresses various topics such as whether God really exists, whether humanity will survive and whether we should colonize space. “Brief Answers to Big Questions” is Stephen Hawking’s last words to the world.


“The Photo Ark: One Man’s Quest to Document the World’s Animals” by Joel Sartore

Who doesn’t love amazing animal pictures? Joel Sartore has spent a good part of his life photographing some of the world’s animals, especially those that are endangered. His message is that to know these animals is to love them and to love them is to want to save them. Sartore traveled the world to capture images of 12,000 species. His goal is to photograph every animal in captivity in the world. With 6,000 already completed and his new partnership with National Geographic, this goal is suddenly very achievable. From rhinoceros to grasshoppers, no animal is forgotten in this captivating and inspiring book. A must-have for the animal lover in your life!


“Whiskey in a Teacup” by Reese Witherspoon

It’s hard not to love Reese Witherspoon, whose book’s subtitle is “What Growing Up in the South Taught Me About Life, Love, and Baking Biscuits.” Amid the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, she’s still a Southern girl at heart. Reese’s grandmother Dorothea said that beauty and strength made Southern women “whiskey in a teacup” – pretty and delicate on the outside but strong and fierce underneath. Reese weaves the South into all aspects of her life from entertaining and decorating to how she talks and even how she does her hair! Readers will enjoy recipes from Dorothea herself and traditions that Reese has followed since she was a child. “Whiskey in a Teacup” is a reminder not to forget where you came from, no matter where you are going.


“Almost Everything: Notes on Hope” by Anne Lamott

When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. For even in the midst of the deepest despair, at the worst moment of your life, if you have just a glimmer of hope, it’s all you need to keep going. The world is a scary place and it’s easy to get caught up in the horrible things we see and hear every day. But we must hold on to the hope that it will get better, that the world will find peace and that each and every one of us will find peace within ourselves. In this profound and funny book, Lamott asks the reader to remember the hope that lies inside us and how that can help you move forward in this crazy world with an open heart and mind.


“The Next Person You Meet in Heaven” by Mitch Albom

“The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” pub-lished 15 years ago, is a story that stays with you. Based on a war veteran, Eddie, it is easy to fall in love with Eddie and the people in his life. Eddie died while trying to save a young girl named Annie at an amusement park. In “The Next Person You Meet in Heaven,” Eddie meets Annie once again, this time in heaven. Now readers will get to hear Annie’s story. The accident that killed Eddie forever changed Annie. Physically, one of her hands had to be reattached and left unbearable scars. Mentally, she is haunted by the events from that night that she can’t really remember. The story begins with Annie getting ready to get married. On her wedding day, a tragic accident ensues. Annie finds herself reunited with Eddie, just one of the five people in heaven who will show her how much her life mattered.


“The Happy Cookbook” by Steve and Kathy Doocy

“Fox & Friends” host Steve Doocy and his wife, Kathy, bring us stories and recipes that remind us of all of the comforts of home in “The Happy Cookbook: A Celebration of the Food That Makes America Smile.” Steve and Kathy love to entertain their family and friends and their book shares family recipes, stories and photos from their home. Additionally, this book includes recipes from famous friends such as Kid Rock and Greg Norman. The best part is that if you are interested in fun, delicious food that you can realistically make, “The Happy Cookbook” has recipes for every occasion. This book makes a great gift for the chef in your life or anyone who enjoys entertaining.


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