Meet the Candidates

The Primary Election for Stone Harbor Council is set for July 7, with Mayor Judith Davies-Dunhour running for re-election. There is a contested election for two, three-year council seats open with three candidates running; Joselyn Rich, Reese Moore and newcomer Robin Casper.

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Judith M. Davies-Dunhour

Judith Davies-Dunhour is running for re-election for mayor, following her first term after seven years on council. Davies-Dunhour serves on the Stone Harbor Planning Board and is the director of the Cape May County Animal Shelter & Adoption Center, which she has held since 2009 after retiring from the Stone Harbor Police Department. Most recently, Davies-Dunhour became the first elected governing-body member in the State to be designated as a “Municipal Leader” by the New Jersey League of Municipalities.

Davies-Dunhour boasts a steadfast resolve in making Stone Harbor’s government and decision-making process collaborative and transparent. While serving as mayor, the Borough began taping council meetings and adding public work sessions. Other accomplishments include dedicating a new police department building in 2019, and maintaining a collaborative working relationship with the Borough of Avalon.

“It is important that the Seven Mile Island work together to not only offer a unique island-wide vacation experience, but to also explore shared services that benefit all, not only by lowering taxes, but providing better services,” says Davies-Dunhour.

Davies-Dunhour has plans to continue providing government transparency and protecting the town’s greatest assets, the beaches and back bays, all while remaining fiscally conservative.

In addition to maintaining Stone Harbor’s reputation as “The Seashore At Its Best,” Davies-Dunhour serves on the board of directors of the Animal Welfare Federation of New Jersey and is certified as a New Jersey Animal Control Officer. She is also a certified fitness and spin instructor.

“We are incredibly fortunate to have a phenomenal team with strong leadership skills tending to our town,” says Davies-Dunhour. “I enjoy planning and problem-solving with employees, department heads and professionals, and being a part of a group that is committed to excellence and professionalism.



Joseyln Rich, a Stone Harbor native since the age of five is up for a second term on council. Rich attended Stone Harbor Elementary School and Middle Township High School and worked with her grandmother at the age of 14 at The Seagull. Joselyn married Bob Rich in 1969 and they raised four daughters: Gwen, an agent at Coldwell Banker Otton Real Estate; Rebecca, owner of Wayward Gardener; Rachel, living in Colorado; and Alex, owner of Alex’s Stone Harbor Market.

Rich is a longstanding member of the Stone Harbor Garden Club, the Stone Harbor Women’s Civic Club, the Stone Harbor Property Owners Association, the League of Women Voters and the Stone Harbor Chamber of Commerce.

In 1986, Rich took a seat on council as the second female ever to hold the position and returned in 1996 and 2012. As chairperson of the Natural Resource Committee, Rich is proud of working alongside the Department of Environmental Protection and the New Jersey Department of Fish and Wildlife to support and execute its management plan for Stone Harbor Point, and working with The Wetlands Institute to update and maintain the Stone Harbor Bird Sanctuary. Rich also helped to create the Flood Mitigation Management Committee to focus on flooding and water conservation and is working on adopting an updated bulkhead height ordinance that requires new builds to have an 8-foot bulkhead.

While listing her current and past projects, Rich is always quick to point out the hard work and effort of the committees and volunteers with whom she works.

“Together everyone achieves more, and now is more important than ever,” says Rich. “We need to preserve and protect this island, and we have a very strong foundation that was built from great council members and volunteers of years past. The most important thing we can do is to continue to plan for our future and improve every little part of this island.”



Reese Moore is running for a full term on council after filling in Karen Lane’s seat when she relocated in 2018. Born and raised in Berwyn, Pa., Reese discovered the shore after marrying his wife, Phyllis, and moved here full-time in 2014.

Moore graduated in 1978 from the University of Delaware with a degree in business and a concentration in finance and marketing and launched his 30+ year career at Mannington Mills in Salem, NJ, which he will retire from on May 15.

As a full-time resident, Moore became a trustee of the Stone Harbor Property Owners Association and served for five years, the last year as vice president.

On council, Moore became the chairperson of the Utilities Committee and continues to work on a comprehensive water conservation program. The committee also works on the island’s infrastructure for water and sewer services as well as issues including flooding, beach replenishment, back-bay dredging and bulkhead initiatives.

Moore’s accomplishments include an approved budget for the replacement of more than 3,300 water meters, as well as budgeting funds for road improvements and infrastructure projects, and maintenance to water drainage and the flow of water off the island. Finally, Moore has been involved in the construction of a new pump station being built on 93rd Street, with an estimated completion date in 2021. He also serves on the Administration and Finance, and Public Works committees.

Moore is an Eagle Scout and enjoys time on the water including a new venture into fishing.

“I love living in Stone Harbor, it is a fantastic place like no other,” he says. “The quality of life, natural beauty and the natural resources it offers through the water, beaches and parks, make Stone Harbor a spectacular place to live and visit. I enjoy working alongside fellow council members, Mayor Davies-Dunhour and the community to improve and preserve Stone Harbor – the Seashore at Its Best.”



Robin Casper goes back a long way with Stone Harbor, dating back to when her parents moved to the island in 1965. Casper has fond memories of growing up in the town, attending Stone Harbor Elementary and Middle Township High School. Robin’s mother, Marlene, is a founding member of the Stone Harbor Garden Club and the oldest original living member.

Casper graduated from Villanova University in 1984 with a degree in communication and worked for General Electric’s Space Systems Division in Valley Forge, Pa., as a systems analyst. As she started her family, she enjoyed many years as a stay-at-home mom raising her sons, Mark, now 29, and Luke, now 27.

After 30-plus years of living in Pennsylvania, Casper and her husband James Procyson moved to Stone Harbor in 2016, which is when her keen interest in local government began. Casper’s passion for sustainability led to her appointment in 2019 as a member of the Borough’s Go Green Committee, and also joined the staff of a local publication, The Roasted Beet. History is another of her passions, as she looks to recognize and appreciate preserving the past, while joining her mother as a Stone Harbor Museum volunteer.

“Growing up in this fabulous town is something I will absolutely cherish forever,” says Casper. “I truly do feel blessed living here again, and want to serve Stone Harbor to the best of my ability, as wonderfully as she has served me. Stone Harbor is an incredible town and I will do my best to positively, intelligently and efficiently carry on its legacy.”


Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Stone Harbor Fire House 175 96th St., Stone Harbor


Letter from the Editor


Avalon’s Forgotten Heroes: Donald Stevenson, William Rommel II, Joseph Ferrigno