Memorial Day 2020

History Dave Coskey History Dave Coskey

Avalon’s Forgotten Heroes: Donald Stevenson, William Rommel II, Joseph Ferrigno

By today’s standards, it is difficult to describe just how small a town Avalon was 75 years ago in the waning days of World War II. The total population was probably around 400, and even when the town “filled” with summer visitors in the summer, the population was probably still less than 1,000. Suffice to say that almost everyone knew each other. It was a very close-knit community.

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History Linda Dougherty History Linda Dougherty

125 Years of Service: The Post 331 Building Might Be the Best Dollar the American Legion Ever Spent

Throughout the 1800s, there was a great amount of sea traffic up and down the New Jersey coastline thanks to major ports in New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia. The waters were well known as being treacherous and dangerous to navigate; a ship that became stranded on one of the many offshore sandbars in heavy seas usually broke into pieces within a few hours, often with a large loss of life.

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History Dave Coskey History Dave Coskey

Days Gone By

Here’s a look back probably to the early 1970s and the Memorial Day Parade in Stone Harbor that went down 96th Street from the bridge to the Civic Club. Thanks to Carol Davidson for sharing these great photos with us. Check out some of the businesses on 96th Street. Most are long gone but fun to remember. One anchor that’s still in place Seashore Home Supply … now Seashore Ace … slightly different name, same great family.

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