Restaurant Week: A Mother’s Delight
It’s 2018 and I am two toddlers in, and one car seat closer to a minivan and interactions with the dreaded “soccer mom” – a species I both fear, respect and am starting to know all too well. Kids really do change the way you look at things, right? Holidays are that much more fun. Mondays are that much more difficult. Dinners … so much more work! Since when do children get an entirely different meal than parents? I recall sitting at the dinner table far beyond dinner time, choking down my cold spinach and potatoes … and/or feeding it to the dog when no one was looking. Where are those days? And what on EARTH does this have to do with 7 Mile Restaurant Week? I digress.
Parents of the island, unite! My most favorite time of year has again arrived, and the highlights are endless. From breakfast to dinner and even desserts, for seven full days, I am free. Free of planning, preheating, begging, cleaning and more. For seven sweet, blissful days, I am out of the house, sometimes kids in tow and sometimes not. And alas, with the help and return of an Open Table partnership, my week is reserved with just a few clicks on my laptop and no phone calls needed (have you ever tried to have a phone conversation with a toddler following you?)
The annual 7 Mile Restaurant Week is set for Avalon and Stone Harbor, Monday, June 4 through Sunday, June 10. More than 45 restaurants are on board to participate offering hot and delicious breakfast specials, beachside lunch offerings and tempting three-course meals for the reasonable price of $30.18. This week is perfect for preseason tastings of our most favorite restaurants, and a chance to test out the new kids on the block as well!
Alas, my coffee will be hot, my food will be cooked properly (we all know my cooking history from this column), the wine will be crisp, and my kids will be happy. Because whether we travel with them to the well-known and family-friendly hot spots or leave them in the care of their favorite sitter, this family is well-fed and, for one week at least, highly entertained.

Fluffy pancakes, fresh seafood, steak, sushi and more! From breakfast to dinner, the options are actually just a touch overwhelming with so many participating restaurants, and we really do make an effort to try them all. And I challenge you, reader, to do the same! The island is full of restaurants and options, and we will prevail to test this, that and everything! Diaper bags and sippy cups abound, off we go on a dining adventure that is perfect for families, and even better for a few romantic date nights in between.
Parents of the island, unite – this is our time! I see you over there scarfing down that hot meal. Relax … sit down for a change, take a moment to savor this week, because it only lasts for seven short days … and then the two-meal trials begin yet again. Plan ahead by going to for a full list of participating restaurants, menu options and Open Table reservation links. And be sure to document this savory week and tag your photos on social media for a chance to win a gift certificate to your choice of one of the amazing participating restaurants (#7MileRestaurantWeek, #avalon_beach, @VisitAvalonNJ).
Dine well, my friends, hope to see you out there!
Now you can plan your week with the click of a button!
7 Mile Restaurant Week is now sponsored by Open Table, an online reservation system. For participating dinner restaurants, go to and click “Reserve Your Table” to make your online reservation. This is the perfect way to plan out your week of delicious dining. Enjoy!