Letter from the Editor

Dear Readers:

Don’t you just love this time of year? The days are so long and just perfect for burying your feet in the warm sand with a great beach read in your hands. And what better to read on the beach than the Times?

So welcome to summer. This issue of the Times has lots of informative and entertaining reading. First, be sure to check out our Events at Glance section so that you can plan your Fourth of July celebrations in both Avalon and Stone Harbor as well as the entire month. It’s a great month-long reference for where to go and what to do on our favorite little island.

Dave Bontempo kicks off the summer with beach-safety tips. Dave has lots of helpful reminders, even for the seasoned Shore pros among us. And while he’s on the beach, Dave tells us about the 40th anniversary of the David J. Kerr Memorial Lifeguard Races and the amazing person for whom the race is named.

While we’re all heading to the beach for the Kerr Races, chances are you’ll see a terrapin or two crossing the road. Brian Williamson will tell you how The Wetlands Institute tracks the movements of these fascinating creatures. And you’ll no doubt be fascinated learning about the location connection with Mother Cabrini and the movie that tells her inspirational life story.

Marybeth Hagan explores the legacy of Bill Hernandez – truly a life well-lived. You’ve heard of the perfect storm? Well Dave Bontempo, will tell you the story of the perfect blend – 30 years of Avalon Coffee, while Marybeth Hagan helps bid a sincere fond adieu to Father Bill Kelly. We wish him well in retirement, but he will be missed. But you won’t want to miss Mary Lamb’s conversation with Josef Kote before his Ocean Galleries exhibit. Mary is all about arts this month as she also visits bestselling children’s author/illustrator Jarrett Krosoczka. You won’t want to miss his Storytime Takeover at the Avalon Free Public Library.

Plus, all our regular features you’ve come to expect in each issue including Business Buzz, Smilestones, and the helpful financial tips in Financially Speaking.

Thanks for your time, we appreciate that you make the Times part of your life. And please don’t forget to patronize all the local businesses here on the island dedicated to making your visit so special.

So, settle back in your beach chair and dig into July. It’s a terrific month and it begins right here with the Seven Mile Times.


Monica Coskey
Publisher & Editor
Seven Mile Times


Fourth of July Activities