Beach Tips For Parents
No one ever said that being a parent was easy. While it is certainly the greatest and most rewarding job out there, it is also probably the most exhausting. As parents, we spend the school year running around like crazy. I, for one, know that trying to juggle soccer practice, swimming, homework, baseball, play dates, school projects and everything else for three kids has me feeling run down beyond belief. Throw in the house, the dog work, and there are some days where I just don’t know how I survived!
School is out and summer is here. As much as I need a break, my kids do, too. They worked hard this whole year. School, after-school activities and just life in general is a lot for little ones. This summer I’m forgetting the crazy schedules. As a matter of fact, I don’t want to even hear the word “schedule.” We are going to stay on the beach until the sun goes down, head out for ice cream in our PJs, take late-day boat rides and stay awake for the fireworks. This summer, I want my kids to just enjoy being kids, and I can’t wait to join them!
For some parents, not having a schedule or commitments is hard. A little anxiety creeps in when you wonder how you are going to keep everyone busy. Here are a few tips to help you keep your cool.
Take a technology break. It’s been a long winter and I can imagine your kids spent a lot of yucky days on their iPads. Now the sun is shining and there is no reason they can’t be outside. This break goes for moms and dads, too. Put the phones down and play with your kids.
Let them be bored. Some of my favorite games, my brothers and I made up when we were bored. When kids are bored, it forces them to be creative and find things to do.
Go ahead and make a mess. Whether it’s playing in the mud, the sprinkler or making a new batch of slime, just let them play. Hearing them laugh and watching them have fun will make it worth it.
Give them chores to do. My kids slack off a bit from chores during the school year. Too many nights we get home late from practice and there isn’t time to clean up. Make a list for each child according to what they can handle. Before they run outside, have them complete their list. Make it fun and see who finishes first. Throw in things off your list and let them help you!
Stop being the entertainer. When you were young, did your parents constantly keep you entertained? No way. We played outside until the streetlights came on. It isn’t your job to entertain your kids 24/7. That what siblings are for.
Stop being the referee. Let them figure it out for a change. A little whining, teasing, arguing isn’t going to be the end of the world. Siblings fight fiercely but they also love stronger than anything, let them work it out.
You don’t have to always be busy. I’m not sure why society has created this stigma that you have to always be busy. It’s exhausting! Take a walk, sit on the bench, watch the stars, just hang out and pass the time. The best conversations with my kids are the ones that naturally happen when we are just hanging out. Remember, kids only want to hang out with their parents for so long, so enjoy every second!
Make time for family. This is the last tip because it’s the most important. Take the time to do things together. Go fishing, hit the beach, walk the dog – as a family! I was going through pictures the other day and realized that almost all of my favorite ones were taken on days that we were all together. Cherish every second.
Summer goes by too fast. Take the time to enjoy it with your kids!