Seven Mile Watering Bowls: A Fun Search for My Favorite Watering Bowls

Editors note: Pimms is our only four-legged writer here at Seven Mile Publishing. He’s written for our sister publication, the Sea Isle Times, and this is his debut piece here in the Seven Mile Times. You might want to turn to Page 10 for his picture and full bio.

Ever since my review of the new Sea Isle Dog Park in the June issue of the Sea Isle Times, I’ve been getting a lot of stick. Not the kind I fetched in my pup days, but about why I haven’t written for man’s best friend here on Seven Mile Beach. Well, my four-legged friends, beg no longer because this old dog (I’ll be 12 in October) has put together a Yappy Hour tour. Yes, this is my version of the best watering holes … oops, I meant watering bowls, on the island.

You may not know this, but dogs have as many as 300 million olfactory receptors in our noses. This allows us to distinguish between bottled water and Avalon’s finest artesian well water, straight from the faucet. Humans have a mere 6 million receptors, and boast about detecting the unique scents of floral, citrus, fruit, and earthy notes in a glass of wine. But your four-legged friends have you beat. Our snouts can tell us whether that wine glass was washed in Dawn Platinum or just regular old blue Dawn.

What does this all mean? While humans may need a GPS to find what they are looking for, our sense of smell can do a better job. Heck, you can even throw an N95 mask on me. It just won’t matter.

So, with that in mind, I took a page out of my human’s book. John is his name, and in case you didn’t know, he creates all of the puzzles here in the Seven Mile Times. I guess watching him do all of those puzzles has rubbed off. So, I’ve put together a search of my own – these are some of the finest watering holes … oops I did it again, I mean watering bowls, here on the Seven Mile Beach. To help your humans out, I’ve listed some clues for them. As for my dog friends, simply follow your nose and see which bowls you prefer. And please send me some photos of you on your search to Now, grab your leash and let’s get started.


(all are located along Dune Drive)

  1. K9 hydration station with former Mayor Marty Pagliughi residing

  2. Across from the Avalon Fire House – extra bonus: treats!

  3. The corner shop for coffee, beans, buns, and bagels.

  4. The alley leading to yoga

  5. Don’t let the critter name spook you; as an extra bonus, treats for the owner

  6. No compass needed to find this one – extra bonus: treats

  7. Remember the Little Rock’n Chair

  8. Hooray for Hollywood

  9. The lifeboats are the clue

  10. The Spanish version of Elizabeth

  11. Ice cream to the left and crème de menthe to the right, here it is stuck in the middle for you

  12. Get floored in Avalon with this customer dog bowl

  13. A lulu of a store

  14. Nothing but tigers, only for dogs at this one on 21st Street


(all are located on Third Avenue off 96th Street)

  1. My favorite Wildwood pizza but only water here

  2. A piece of toast might be nice

  3. This is rough in the ocean but smooth sailing on Third Avenue

  4. A dog bowl is always a nice addition to home décor

  5. Something that I get after splashing on the ocean

  6. If you need a new bowl, THIS is the place

  7. You can grab a drink while your human checks out their dresses

  8. I can assure you that their water is not green. Fresh and natural

  9. I always wipe my paws outside so that I don’t leave these

  10. Interesting play on words, and please sir, I want more

  11. Not to be confused, we’re not taking you to NC


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