Mindful Summer Moments: Supporting Your Mental Health

Imagine the refreshing, sweet taste of fresh fruit as it touches your tongue; the soothing sound of ocean waves resonating within a seashell pressed against your ear; and the sight of the smiles on children’s faces as they gleefully plunge into a pool. Enjoy the sensation of a cold glass of water hitting your palm on a hot day, and the invigorating scent of freshly cut grass.

Perhaps you’ve found yourself wishing you could hold onto those sweet summer moments a bit longer. Maybe you’re wondering how August is already upon us even though it feels as though summer has just started. Or perhaps you’re caught up in the frenzy of a busy schedule, working through a long to-do list, and feeling anxious because time is escaping you.

Whether you’re having a slow, relaxing summer or a fast-paced, adventure-filled season, mindfulness is for you.

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing conscious awareness to the present moment. While it might seem like a very simple practice, it has an overwhelmingly positive impact on your mental health. Dating back 2,500 years with its roots in ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions, mindfulness continues to be a popular practice as research has shed light on its ability to reduce stress, increase happiness, lower blood pressure, and improve sleep. It has even evolved to be its own therapeutic intervention called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, a very popular and effective treatment approach.

Focusing on what is happening in the here and now supports our mental health because it moves us away from our thinking. In our current social, economic, and political climate, our thoughts can be stress-inducing. They might range from concerns over extreme weather, inflation, nutrition, education, and employment, to happy thoughts like planning birthday parties, weddings, retirement, starting a family, and buying a home.

While these thoughts are necessary to change and grow, they can easily spiral beyond our control and impact our health. They also pull us from the reality of the moment. Being lost in our thoughts can cause us to miss something so beautiful, powerful, and peaceful right before our eyes. Awareness of the present moment will empower you to hold onto those sweet moments just a bit longer and have you feeling more in control of your time and your thinking. And all it takes is a few minutes a day.

In addition to all its benefits on your mental and physical health, what makes mindfulness so great is its accessibility; you already have the tools you need to do it! Right now, as you read this, you are fully equipped. Here are some simple mindful activities you can practice today to start boosting your happiness and reducing your stress this summer:

• Just breathe. Engaging in mindful breathing is one of the simplest yet most impactful practices. Take a deep breath through your nostrils, feeling the air fill your lungs and your abdomen expand. Hold your breath for a count of three, then exhale slowly and deliberately through your mouth, paying attention to the sensation as the air leaves your body. Mindful breathing serves two purposes. First, it allows us to slow down and intentionally take deep breaths, thereby calming our central nervous system. Second, it redirects our focus from our thoughts to our breathing, promoting a sense of tranquility and heightened awareness of the present moment and our surroundings.

• Sense mindfully. Did you enjoy the taste of your last meal? What is the most beautiful sight you’ve seen today? Sensory mindfulness involves consciously bringing your attention to the present moment through your senses. Take the time to notice what you see, touch, hear, taste, and smell, fully immersing yourself in the experience. When you take that sip of coffee or tea in the morning, notice the warmth of the mug as it hits your lips. Notice the taste as it hits your tongue. What areas of your tongue do you taste it strongest? Sensing mindfully can happen any and everywhere. Notice the feel of the hot sand between your toes, the beautiful colors that fill the sky as the sun sets, and the smell of the barbecue, and fully sense each experience.

• Put your phone aside. Technology has enhanced our lives in countless ways, but our smartphones can also be the greatest thief of our time and attention. Put your phone away to avoid getting caught up in mindless scrolling, unnecessary texting, or aimless browsing that pulls you away from what is happening right before you. Don’t miss the beauty and awe in front of you because you were trapped in an Instagram reel loop.

• Check in with yourself. When was the last time you checked in with yourself to notice how you’re feeling? This includes physical, emotional, and psychological aspects. Noticing how you’re feeling in any given moment empowers you and enables you to spend your time doing more of what feels good and makes you happy and less of what brings you discomfort. Questions to ask yourself might look like these: “Does this activity invigorate me or drain my energy?” “Does this person make me feel good when I’m around them?” “Does this topic excite me or make me stressed?” Your body constantly sends powerful messages – all you need to do is listen.

As with any effective practice, consistency is key. Practice mindfulness for a few moments daily and you will increase your likelihood of enjoying a peaceful and mindful remainder of your summer.


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