Not All Fitness Trends Are Created Equal


Remember Jazzersize? Or that vibrating belt thingy that would jiggle your fat away? Or Tae Bo? As long as exercise has been mainstream, there have been a lot of strange fitness trends out there. Some turned out to be very beneficial, some did not stand the test of time. And now, just like always, there are people trying to come up with the next big thing. For some reason, I don’t think it’s going to be mermaid classes. (Yes, you can take classes in a pool where you get to wear a mermaid tail and do water exercises.) I’m not even going to discuss Fifty Shapes of Grey.

One of the biggest trends in recent years is the increasingly popular yoga. And not just yoga, but a billion different forms of yoga. Power yoga, yogilates, hot yoga, goat yoga, drunk yoga. OK, I made up that last one, but I do know people who go to hot yoga in the morning to “sweat out” what they imbibed the night before, and the room ends up smelling like a brewery. Goat yoga is real.

I don’t know if I can call yoga a new trend, since it’s been around since the 5th or 6th century BCE, but it has gained a lot of popularity as of late, and with good reason. Through the many different forms of yoga, there can be a lot of benefit. Among many other things, yoga can help improve your flexibility, promote proper posture and help with circulation and bone density along with improving your mental state and relieving stress.

There are many different studios/classes to choose from at Seven Mile Beach. Make sure the class you sign up for matches the goals you have in mind and find a qualified instructor so you can avoid injury and get the most out of your session.

Something else that has been trending in fitness lately, even though it has been around for centuries, is meditation. I am a big proponent. A study last December published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that “meditation practice leads to decreased physiological markers of stress” including “reduced cortisol (stress hormone), C-reactive protein (inflammatory marker), blood pressure, heart rate, and triglycerides.” Mindfulness mediates the physiological markers of stress. It’s a practice that needs consistency and time but the benefits are well worth it.


One fitness trend that is new (and still developing) is wearable tech. I think there are some great benefits to wearable tech, but you have to know how to interpret and use the information gained. Now, while you work out, you can measure all kinds of biometrics. I love when things can be quantified. Rather than just asking someone how they feel before a workout, I can ask them about their HRV (Heart Rate Variability) score to see if they are recovered from the last workout. HRV can be obtained through wearable tech. There is now already a compression shirt worn by major league pitchers that warns when a muscle or ligament is in danger of being torn. I have no idea how that works, but it sounds awesome – although I also don’t know if I’m completely comfortable leaving my livelihood in the hands of a shirt.

One of the top fitness trends of 2019 according to Self Magazine (and my favorite trend!) is employing certified fitness professionals! I’m always disappointed when I perform an assessment for a potential client and they don’t ask anything about my educational background or experience. I’ve spent, and continue to spend, a lot of money on my education, and it is rare that anyone asks about it. I’ve written before about finding the right personal trainer because there are many out there who are not qualified.

Many unknowing fitness novices and even some fitness veterans have fallen prey to the largest dissemination of fitness misinformation in the history of the industry: Instagram. They might have amazing marketing skills, but a vast majority of “fitness influencers” have no business giving out fitness advice. Just because you look good on the ’gram doesn’t mean you have the knowledge to help others reach their goals. There are obviously some that are great trainers, just check the creds.

There are many great fitness trends out there. If you find something that you enjoy and is administered safely by a qualified fitness professional, I say go for it. I once found one of those vibrating belt thingys in the closet of a bed and breakfast in which I was staying. I don’t know how much fat I lost, but it was a good time. Speaking of a good time, I have to go. I’m late for my trampoline hula-hoop goatlates class. Don’t worry, the instructor is certified.

Michael W. Hauf

Michael W. Hauf, who writes our regular fitness feature, is the owner of Shape Fitness in Stone Harbor. He holds a degree in exercise physiology and a minor in biological sciences from the University of Delaware.


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