Beach Tips for Mommies: What to Pack in Your Beach Cooler

I don’t know about you, but it takes me forever to pack for the beach. Toys, towels, flip-flops, cover-ups, hats, sunscreen, etc. I could go on forever! When you have small children, the hardest and most important thing, if you ask my kids, is the cooler. When we are on the beach, my kids snack all day long. How do you keep it simple while keeping the whole crew happy? Here are some tips that should help.

  1. Small Containers: My kids can eat an entire watermelon faster than I can type this sentence! I have cut it up and filled a container, but that has been a disaster. It either ends up in the sand or in the sun, and there is sure to be at least one fight over it. If you are bringing something you know they all will want, then pack them each their own container. This way they can just take theirs when they want some and if they don’t, you can eat it at home without lots of little fingers having been all over it.

  2. Small Pieces: If your kids will sit down and eat, I applaud you. My kids like to eat on the run. The last thing you want is them running around on the beach with half of a hoagie in their hands. Cut everything into smaller pieces. It’s easier for them to hold, harder for the seagulls to steal and there’s less chance it will end up in the sand.

  3. Small Waters: Most children will not drink an entire bottle of water at once. I can’t tell you how many half-empty bottles I used to dump when I got home. They drink half, it gets warm, they don’t want it anymore. Thankfully most companies that make bottled water make the smaller-sized ones. They are easy to pack because you can tuck them all over, and most of the time my kids finish them before they have a chance to get warm. Extra tip: Put them in the freezer the night before you go. This way they will stay super cold all day.

  4. Fruit: Fruit is refreshing and delicious. If you can get your kids to eat that rather than chips and crackers, it will also help them stay hydrated. Make sure to use your small containers and pack extra because any type of fruit attracts friends! Extra tip: Grapes are another thing you can put in the freezer the night before. They are absolutely delicious frozen!

  5. Eat Lunch First: If the timing works and you can eat lunch before the beach, go for it. It’s a lot less food you will have to pack. If not, pack things that won’t go bad in the sun, just in case you run out of room in the cooler. Peanut butter and jelly is a beach staple in our house.

  6. Keep It Clean: Don’t forget napkins, wipes and a trash bag. It’s so much easier to fill a bag and throw it out at the end of the day than it is to walk up the beach to the trash can every half-hour.

  7. Save the Ice Cream for Last: There have been so many days when ice cream was my go-to leverage when I needed it. It’s amazing how good children can be when they know whether they get ice cream depends on it. I like to get them ice cream after we are packed up and ready to walk up the beach. Even the most tired child will happily eat their ice cream while taking the walk home.

Most important: Just have fun. Swim in the water with them, help them build castles, take lots of pictures and make amazing memories. After all, that’s what you are here for!


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