Events at a Glance
Saturday, April 13
Let’s Play Ball
1-2pm, Tennis Building, 250 39th St., Avalon
Learn all about the history of America’s favorite pastime, baseball. While Abner Doubleday is credited for creating the sport, no one truly invented the game. Learn all this and more as the Avalon History Center delves into the origins of baseball.
Thursday, April 18
Tea Time
11am-noon, History Center, 215 39th St., Avalon
Join the Avalon History Center for Tea Time and conversations. Enjoy sipping on some tea and making friends within your own community. Discuss and share fond memories you have of old Avalon all while making new ones.
Volunteers at Avalon’s Dune Grass Planting.
Saturday, April 20
Spring Dune Grass Planting
8:30am, 3001 Avalon Ave.
Avalon’s annual Dune Grass Planting calls for volunteers of all ages to participate. Head to the Community Hall for training and supply distribution before you head out to plant. If interested in helping, call Sue Keen at (609) 967-5924 or Chuck McDonnell at (609) 967-3066 by April 11. This event is sponsored by the Avalon Environmental Commission, the Avalon Department of Recreation and the Avalon Department of Public Works.
Friday, April 26
Arbor Day Planting Trees Day
Save the planet one tree at a time. Join the Avalon Garden Club for their annual tree planting ceremony on Arbor Day. Learn, engage with others in the community and get to planting!
Saturday, April 27
Play with Jack Foundation Fashion Show
Noon, Yacht Club of Stone Harbor, 9001 Sunset Drive
Help raise money for a foundation that lightens the burden of individuals battling cancer. Join in the annual fashion show with this year’s theme, La Dolce Vita. Bring your friends and family and enjoy the fashions by Coco Blu Boutique and Gingy’s. Tickets are $75 and available through April 15 at
Cole, the Deaf Therapy Dog, will be at the Avalon Free Public Library on Saturday, April 27.
Saturday, April 27
Cole the Deaf Therapy Dog
10-11am, Avalon Free Public Library, 235 32nd St.
Bring your family and learn a profound message that will help everyone, no matter the age. The Team Cole Project helps people of all ages learn about self-empowerment, acceptance, and compassion. Head to the library on April 27, meet Cole, and learn all about his story and impact on this world.
May 4-6
Spring Into Summer Market
10am-4pm, Downtown Stone Harbor
Get excited for summer and have a fun weekend with the Spring Into Summer Market hosted by the Stone Harbor Chamber of Commerce at the 95th Street Water Tower Plaza. Enjoy music, food, drinks, and shopping during this family-friendly event. Shop at the outdoor market, browse through the local businesses and find everything you need, all while having a blast!
Saturday, May 11
Townwide Yard Sale
8am-3pm, Avalon
Take part in the 29th annual townwide yard sale, sponsored by the Avalon Garden Club. Rain or shine, sell some of your goods and buy some from your neighbors. Shop around the various sales or enter yourself. The participant fee is $20 and due by May 9.
May 11-19
Shorebird and Horseshoe Crab Celebration Days
The Wetlands Institute
Join The Wetlands Institute for its 11th year hosting a celebration to the great wonder of the shorebird migration and horseshoe crabs spawning season. Proceeds help support critical research, conservation, and education programs on shorebirds and horseshoe crabs. Enjoy the activities, presentations and more.
Avalon Lions’ Robin Mackintosh shows shoppers the many items for sale at the Lions’ yard sale.
Saturday, May 11
Avalon Lions Yard Sale
8am–1pm, Helen L. Diller Vacation Home for Blind Children
Looking for some unique finds to display in your house this summer? Look no further than the Avalon Lions Yard Sale! The Avalon Lions will be at the Diller Home selling items that have been collected. Another man’s trash is one man’s treasure, and you are sure to find some treasure here.
Saturday, May 11
Spring Puzzle Swap
11am-noon, Avalon Free Public Library, 235 32nd St.
Had a puzzle for so long it’s not challenging anymore? Drop it off along with the rest of your gently used jigsaw puzzles at the library from May 1-10. At drop-off, you will receive a ticket for the number of puzzles you gave. That ticket will then allow you to select the same number of new-to-you puzzles on May 11. Don’t let puzzles go to waste, share the love and join this puzzle swap at the library!
Melissa DeCastro, James Sommer, Charles Sommer, and Nick Sommer at the Diller Home Open House.
Saturday, May 25
Diller Home Community Open House
11am-2pm, 127 26th Street
Join The Helen L. Diller Vacation Home for Blind Children at their Community Open House this year. This gives a chance for the house to thank the community for the support with a celebration and a lot of fun. Enjoy a hot dog cookout, tours of the home and plenty of entertainment for the kids!
Stone Harbor Beach Patrol Captain Sandy Bosacco and Mayor Judith Davies-Dunhour turn the key to officially open the beaches for the summer season.
Saturday, May 25
Official Beach Opening and Color Run
Join the Borough of Stone Harbor as they celebrate the start of summer during Memorial Day Weekend. The beaches will officially be opened for the 2024 season and a fun color run will be held to get everyone excited! For more information, go to
Saturday, May 25
Kids’ Book Bingo
10-11:30am, Avalon Free Public Library, 235 32nd St.
Now it’s time for the kids! As summer starts, so does the Avalon Free Public Library’s first Book Bingo of the season. Come play bingo, win books and other fun prizes.
Sunday, May 26
Turtle Trot 5K Race/2-Mile Walk
8am, 96th Street and First Avenue, Stone Harbor
Come out of your shells and join the 23rd annual Turtle Trot sponsored by the Stone Harbor Chamber of Commerce. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Diamondback Terrapin Program at The Wetlands Institute, which helps protect the terrapins that cross roads in search of nests.