A Letter from the Editor
At our annual beach party last July (from left): my great-nephew Cooper May with my grandchildren Olivia, Charlie and Cecilia Coskey. Looking forward to having new grandsons Max and Michael Coskey in the photo this summer!
Welcome back!
Dear Readers,
Thankfully, summer is in sight. And with the spring that we’ve all been through, it can’t get here soon enough.
I’m excited to bring you our first issue of the Seven Mile Times for the summer of 2020. We pride ourselves on being the only print and electronic publication that is dedicated exclusively to everything Avalon and Stone Harbor. With the combination of our mailed circulation to all property owners, our free print distribution and our electronic editions, simply put, there is no better way to reach more people who love and care about Seven Mile Beach.
There’s lots of good reading in this issue, so take your time to go through our entire issue. We’ve tried to include something that will appeal to everyone. I will caution you, however, that given the state of the pandemic emergency when we went to press, although we go to great lengths to verify all of our information, please re-check all dates and times before making any plans because so much continues to change on a daily basis.
We have some terrific stories and features already planned for future issues this summer, but we’re always looking for great story ideas. If you have an idea for a story, please let me know. You can email me at mcoskey@7milepub.com.
I don’t know about you, but I look forward to making new memories every summer. They started when I was a child playing on the beach. They’ve long since evolved to include memories of my children and now my grandchildren. Soon you’ll have the opportunity to reconnect with your family and begin to make memories of your own this summer. And where better than Seven Mile Beach? I eagerly await the sandy feet and salty kisses! Can’t wait to see you on the beach!
Monica Coskey
Publisher & Editor, Seven Mile Times