Spring 2018
Seven Mile’s Comedy Tradition is No Joke
I am now at a point in time where I have to explain who Ed McMahon was to younger readers. He was Johnny Carson’s longtime sidekick on “The Tonight Show.”
Financially Speaking: Are Your Pants on Fire?
What do you think of when you hear someone say, “Liar, liar, pants on fire”? Do you think of the popular children’s phrase, or perhaps your mind drifts back to “Liar Liar,” the 1997 movie with Jim Carrey?
Stress Eating You? It Might be Adrenal Fatique
Cortisol is a steroid hormone that regulates a wide range of metabolic processes in the body. As its name suggests, in times of stress, cortisol maintains the body’s function by breaking down protein to raise blood glucose.
DVD: Divine Viewing Diversions
Here are three highlights of last year’s movie calendar that demand to be seen – or seen again. One is escapist and the other two are anything but.
Seven Mile Style: Casual Chic
When you spend a long day on the beach, or maybe the drive to the shore was on the longer side, the last thing you want to do is get dressed up to go out. Fortunately, there are super cute, comfortable and trendy outfits to choose from that are great to put on if you are heading out for something quick to eat or if you are hanging on the couch at home.
Seven Mile Style: Guys Night Out
If you are lucky enough to score a guys’ night out this spring, we have the perfect outfit for you! Nothing says, “I’m hanging out with my boys” like a shirt decorated with pictures of beer cans.
Seven Mile Style: A Night Out on the Town
When the weather starts getting warmer, the urge to go out and hit the town starts getting stronger. There are so many great places to go on our island. Whether you are heading out for date night or planning to have a few drinks with your girlfriends, this outfit is perfect for any occasion. The navy jumpsuit is comfortable yet classy.
Kids Picks
You probably have a serious case of cabin fever at this point. We all do – it’s been a long winter! Hopefully you have spent more time with a book in your hands than an electronic device. If not, the spring is a great time to catch up on some reading! Pick up one of these new titles and find a quiet space outside to read.
Beach Reads
What a winter! I hope that by the time you are reading this, things are starting to warm up and spring has finally arrived. With the cold temperatures and the wind that never seemed to stop, I had a lot of time to read this winter. Thankfully, this winter was filled with tons of great new releases! Most of them I really had a hard time putting down.
A Lavender and Lemon: Mother’s Day Lunch
March lion, you were particularly tough on us this year, but there’s nothing like a trio of March nor’easters to make the long-awaited sights, sounds and smells of spring infinitely sweeter. So, this long-awaited spring has sprung super sweet, and I’ve been more than ready to sweep away the last vestiges of winter 2018 and pretty up the party space for the outdoor-entertaining season ahead.