56th Al Cunard Baby Parade As Good As Ever
“Cowboy on the Trail,” Kevin Kohlmann
More than two dozen adorable children in an incredible array of floats and costumes took part in the 56th annual Al Cunard Baby Parade on 96th Street in Stone Harbor on July 9. The youngsters were dressed up as their favorite TV and movie characters, superheroes and much more.
The Al Cunard Baby Parade is one of the island’s most popular and longstanding traditions. During the registration before the parade, some parents remarked that they remembered being in it when they were little, and how they are now continuing the tradition with kids of their own. The registration period also included a steel-drum performance as well as a special visit from the Cunard Family of Clowns. With themes such as “The Wizard of Oz,” “Game of Thrones,” the Fourth of July and college teams, children were ready to hit the streets and show off their one-of-a-kind looks.
The parade route went from the wharf parking lot to the Stone Harbor Fire House. Mayor Judith Davies-Dunhour, Nesting Boutique owner Maggie Day and Miss Cape May County Michelle Wanner led the parade down 96th Street.
Awards were presented in three categories: Walking, Riding and Floats. For Walking, Annagrace and Avalynn Mustico won for “The Kohr Sisters.” Benjamin Klobedanz took first in the Riding category, and Kevin Kohlmann won first in the Float category. There were three additional awards presented as well: Molly Kohlmann, as “The Wizard of Oz,” took the Judges’ Award. The Mayor’s Award went to “Captain Cutie,” 16-month old Parker Johnson. The Nesting Award, featuring a $50 gift certificate to the boutique of the same name, went to 21-month-old Grace Gibula, in the “Eagles Underdog” float.
The awards were then followed by Family Fun Night at the Fire House, which featured the Cunard Family of Clowns Magic Show.