Fun Events on Tap for August
National Night Out
Whenever August rolls around, I’m always reminded of the Nat King Cole song – “Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, those days of sodas and pretzels and beer…” These final summer days remain jam-packed with exciting events to keep the entire family entertained, while still enjoying the lazy days of summer. Evening concerts, early morning runs, summer sales and delicious dining – those define the lazy, hazy, crazy days of August!
National Night Out leads off the month with celebrations in both Avalon and Stone Harbor on Aug. 1. Head to Avalon from 6-8pm at the 29th and 30th Street parking lots and meet members of the police, fire and rescue squads, the Avalon Beach Patrol, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, the Library and History Center and more! There will be mechanical rides, face painting, activities and live music from Loud ‘n’ Klear. Moving south, join Stone Harbor police and multiple organizations from 5-8pm at the Water Tower Plaza. This family-fun event will include music, free food, games and bounce houses, free raffles and prize drawings, demonstrations from a variety of Borough departments and fun for all! National Night Out is an annual nationwide celebration designed to promote community-building between each town’s police departments and the community.
The Brendan Borek High Tides Memorial Fund was established in memory of local surfer Brendan Borek, who passed away after a struggle with cancer. The fund was established to provide “High Tide” conditions for Cape May and Atlantic County families who have a child or young adult with cancer. In 2015, the fund established an endowed fund at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which continues to provide services to pediatric cancer patients and families within the local community. Each year, August celebrates this fund and 2017 does not disappoint with a week full of family-fun fundraising events. The week kicks off with the annual Low Tide Beach Ride on July 29, followed by a week of fun events including the 17th Annual Artist & Friends Art Show on Aug. 1 at the Avalon Yacht Club, plus events including crab cakes at Sylvester’s and, new this year, “Shop at The Spot,” an all-day event on Aug. 5; a portion of sales will be donated to the fund. Be sure to go to for a full listing of events and fundraising opportunities.
Local historian and author Robert Heinly continues Avalon Library’s Summer Author Series on Wednesday, Aug. 2 at 7pm. Heinly will present on his book, “Victorian Cape May,” a work about remnants of the Victorian era in Cape May including prominent buildings such as the Emlen Physick Estate, the George Allen House, Congress Hall, the Chalfonte Hotel and more. A Q&A session will follow his discussion. For more information go to
Calling all princesses and pirates! Join the Stone Harbor Lions Club at the Women’s Civic Club of Stone Harbor on Aug. 3 for a family-fun luncheon! From noon to 2:30pm, enjoy entertainment, princesses and pirates, songs, games, face painting and more! Admission is $25 for children and $15 for adults. For reservations and more information contact Carol Fiore at 609-465-1602. Proceeds from the luncheon benefit the Stone Harbor Lions Charities!
We’re searching for cherubs and chubby cheeks! Show off your sweetest smiles and the coolest floats at the 3rd Annual Avalon Baby Parade. The event is held along with the weekly event Thursdays On Dune, on August 3. Start at Z’s Deli for registration from 5-6pm, followed by judging at 6pm and the parade down 21st Street to Veterans Plaza immediately after. Awards will be given in six categories including Happiest Baby, Best Riding Theme, Mosts Unique Costume, Two of a Kind (best matching costumes), Best Beach Baby and Dressed to the Nines. Registration is also available online at So grab your glue gun and get creative, this competition is free and open to any and all who want to strut their baby booties! Following the awards ceremony, Eleven-Eleven band is set to perform from 7-8:30pm at Veterans Plaza.
Straight from the movies to Avalon, the popular Avalon Players present “Beauty & the Beast Jr.” for this year’s performance, scheduled for Aug. 3, 4 and 5 at 7pm and Aug. 6 at 5pm. The performance includes a large cast of talented youngsters, both residents and visitors, who are very excited for you to be their guest! Jen Creed Rego directs this year with Kevin Ginsberg as technical director and Maddie DeFelice as choreographer. This marks the 33rd year for the Avalon Players, and what makes this program unique is that every child who auditions is given a part in the production. So, come watch these kiddies shine in a great performance! Tickets are $7 in advance ($8 at the door) and can purchased on July 31 from 6-7pm at the Avalon Elementary School. For more information, go to
Ocean Galleries welcomes world-renowned pop artist Romero Britto for an exhibit, “Brilliant World of Color,” Aug. 4-8. Britto’s iconic style features vibrant art in bright and bold colorful patterns and an “optimistic view of the world around him.” Britto’s artwork has gained worldwide popularity due to his playful themes and hard-edged compositions, and has been featured in a number of global campaigns by Audi, Bentley, Coca-Cola, Disney and more. His artwork has been on exhibit in museums and galleries around the world including the Louvre and he has been credited with the largest monumental sculpture in the history of London’s Hyde Park. “Romero Britto – Brilliant World of Color” will be on display at the Stone Harbor Ocean Galleries, 9618 Third Ave., from Friday, Aug. 4 through Tuesday, Aug. 8. Britto himself will be available to dedicate and sign purchased artwork from 7-10pm on Saturday, Aug. 5 and 1-4pm on Sunday. Aug. 6. For more information on Britto’s artwork and future exhibits at Ocean Galleries, go to
This marks the 55th year for the Stone Harbor Arts & Crafts Festival, scheduled for Aug. 5, 9am to 5pm, and Aug. 6, 9am to 4pm. The event, held at the 80th Street Recreation Field in Stone Harbor, offers more than 200 juried artisans featuring fine art, jewelry, contemporary crafts, specialty foods and more. Be sure to bring the kids for a variety of events scheduled throughout the weekend, including the Crafty Chef Academy and Artist on the Rocks painting workshops held each day. For a listing of participating vendors and schedule of events, go to
The Festival of Lights was a time-honored tradition at the turn of the century for Stone Harbor. As Stone Harbor celebrated its centennial celebration in 2014, the boat parade and festival returned and has once again transformed into a town-wide celebratory tradition for all to enjoy. Whether you’re in a boat, sitting on a dock or even just here to enjoy the sights, this is a must-see event. Starting at sunset on Saturday, Aug. 5, boats decorated to the nines within this year’s Disney theme will begin to parade through the Stone Harbor basins. Homeowners along the route are encouraged to join in on the fun and decorate their docks and homes in Disney décor. Following the parade, head to the Yacht Club of Stone Harbor for the after-party featuring Drop Dead Sexy and the awards ceremony bestowing Best Boat Décor, Best Dock Décor and Best Costume. To register and for more information, go to
Throughout the summer, the Avalon History Center has been presenting a lecture series featuring the churches of Avalon. The final two in the series take place in August, both of which are celebrating their 125th anniversaries, along with the town. On Tuesday, Aug. 8 at 7pm, head to the Wells Memorial Presbyterian Church at 9th Street and First Avenue for a lecture on the early development of Avalon and the founding of this historical church. The final lecture in the series is set for Tuesday, Aug. 15, 7pm at the United Methodist Church, 3344 Dune Drive. Be sure to join in for these fascinating historical lectures, and gain a little knowledge about the town that you love! For more information, go to
Every summer needs a good book and author Meg Donohue does not disappoint. Donohue, who lived in Philadelphia and spent her summers in Avalon, was inspired by our seashore town and penned “All the Summer Girls” set in Philadelphia and details a weekend trip to Avalon. In addition to her best-selling ode to Avalon, she has also published “Every Wild Heart,” “Dog Crazy” and “How to Eat a Cupcake.” Donohue will appear at the Avalon Free Public Library on Wednesday, Aug. 9 at 7pm, to discuss her most recent book, “Every Wild Heart.” Donohue’s books are full of mystery, hope and comedy and are sure to delight readers for the perfect summer book. Join Donohue for a Q&A session following her presentation. For more information, go to
Calling all homeowners for Avalon! Join the Avalon Home and Landowners Association at its annual meeting on Saturday, Aug. 12, at Avalon Community Hall. Enjoy coffee and refreshments starting at 9:30am, followed by the meeting at 10am featuring Avalon Mayor Martin Pagliughi delivering the “State of the Borough” and Cape May County Engineer Dale Foster detailing the many county projects occurring in Avalon. Following the speakers, AHLOA will auction off “Bumble Bee” this year’s restored bicycle that has been the face of AHLOA’s 2017 Bicycle Safety Awareness campaign. One lucky winner will pedal home with a beautifully restored beach cruiser, so get there early and get ready to bid! For more information go to, and for frequent updates, follow AHLOA on Facebook at
Cape Regional’s annual 7 Mile Island Home & Health Show will be held at the Avalon Elementary School from 9am to 2pm on Saturday, Aug. 12. Attendees will have a unique opportunity to get a number of health screenings as well as view Facebook Live interviews with top physicians from Cape Regional Medical Center. The “Doctor Is In” exhibit returns allowing visitors to speak directly with physicians and review concerns. This year’s exhibit features Kevin McHale, MD of Orthopedic Sports Medicine at Penn Orthopedics. And once your health check is completed, be sure to check your home! Meet a number of home designers and experts available to help you transform, renovate or even create the seashore home of your dreams! From architects to interior designers, custom home builders and more, this is a one-stop shop to taking that step from a vacation to a permanent residence at the shore! And finally, get your tickets for the popular Designer House Tour set from 11am to 4pm. This year’s tour features nine beautifully built and designed homes on the island and the opportunity to get ideas on construction, interior design, flooring, lighting and more. Tickets for the house tour are $30 and available at the Avalon Chamber of Commerce, the Foundation Office at Cape Regional Medical Center, or by calling 609-463-4040. For more information, go to
Also scheduled for Aug. 12 is Stone Harbor’s annual Go Green Fair, from 11am to 2pm (rain date Aug. 19). The 95th Street Water Tower Plaza will feature a number of organizations helping residents and visitors alike understand the town’s efforts for conservation. Children will enjoy the “Eyes of Wild” show at noon and the 3 R’s Magician Show at 1pm, along with face painting and crafts throughout the day. Attendees can visit with representatives of local businesses and organizations, including Blue Moose Landscaping (an irrigation specialist), Busy Bees Local Honey, South Jersey Gas, Stone Harbor Shade Tree Committee, Stone Harbor Elementary School and, of course, the town’s Green Team. The Stone Harbor Green Team was established three years ago to reduce water consumption for the town with conservation initiatives including meeting with local landscapers, meeting with the Stone Harbor Property Owners Association and even reviewing homeowner consumption and providing helpful saving suggestions. More organizations are on deck to make an appearance for this informative and fun event, so go green and learn a little more on what you can do to help the town in its efforts during this great event. For more information, go to
And finally, why not grab some bait and tackle and climb aboard the Miss Avalon for the first-ever Lure for a Cure event on Aug. 12. This fishing fundraiser was created in memory of longtime Avalon resident Edward Galante Sr., who passed away in 2016. Galante was the owner of Sundae Best Ice Cream, so whether you’re a full-time resident or seasonal vacationer, your paths have certainly crossed with Edward and his family. The fishing tournament features two aspects: ocean fishing on the Miss Avalon or back-bay fishing on the Avalon Lady from 1-5pm. A donation of $50 includes food, drinks and even the bait and tackle for the day! Register early at All proceeds from the event will go toward a nonprofit for lung-cancer survivors,
Enjoy an early-morning run along the beach with the 2nd annual Stone Harbor Surf & Turf 5-Miler on Sunday, Aug. 13. The run features a 2½-mile run along the beach and a return run on the road, and offers individual and team relay options. Bring the kids who can also participate in the 5-mile run or the 1-Mile Beach Run. This picturesque run/walk is the perfect way to start your morning! Arrive early for packet pickup starting at 6:45am, with the race beginning at 8am and the 1-mile Fun Run at 8:05am. Preregistration and the official race route can be found online at
Catch the constellations and learn about the upcoming eclipse at the Avalon Free Public Library on Monday, Aug. 14, 7:30pm. The South Jersey Astronomy Club will be on hand to present “Under the Stars,” a preview of the Aug. 21 eclipse, notable astronomy events, and a hands-on look at the sky. The perfect end to a summer Monday!
All hail the King and Queen! The Reeds at Shelter Haven is hosting its 6th Annual Reeds & Seeds event on Tuesday, Aug. 15 from 10am to 1pm. Children and family of all ages can join in the fun with day-long activities including the infamous watermelon eating contest, multiple watermelon-themed games, watermelon crafts and carvings, face painting, delicious treats and beverages and of course the crowning of the new “Reeds & Seeds” King and Queen. This annual event actually started more than a century ago, hosted by the hotel’s predecessor, and the celebration returned upon the opening of the Reeds at Shelter Haven. For those vying for the crown of King and Queen speeches will begin at 11:45am asking each participant, “Why would I like to be The Reeds King or Queen?” The event is free and open to the public, so spend the day enjoying this refreshing summer treat! For more information and a full schedule of events go to
Fun at the Avalon library continues with the kids’ program, “Strange World of Reptiles,” at 10am Wednesday, Aug. 16.
This fun and informative program will feature live animals that are sure to give you goosebumps! Have a close encounter with Hangin’ Out the Carpet Python, Wendl the Snapping Turtle and more! The animals, almost all orphans or rescued pets, are featured in the program involving a network of zoological professionals caring, rescuing and preserving animals in the wild and in captivity. For more information, go to
Wrapping up the Avalon library’s author series on Aug. 16 is Dr. Paul Offitt, chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases and director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. His presentation will review a number of his books including “Do You Believe in Magic?,” “Vitamins, Supplements and All Things Natural: A Look Behind the Curtain,” and his latest, “Pandora’s Lab: Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong.” Offitt’s presentation will begin at 7pm and is sure to be fascinating!
The popular Bay Atlantic Symphony returns for its final summer performance in Avalon on Saturday, Aug. 19 at the Avalon Elementary School. The final performance features a fun twist away from their popular classical performance and includes fun and energetic inclusions from Grease and West Side Story! The fascinating mixture will feature Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo and Juliet,” Leonard Bernstein’s “West Side Story” and a “Grease” medley featuring Angelo Xiang Yu on the violin. Tickets are free and available at the library’s circulation desk two weeks prior to the performance. For more information, go to
Journey through the regional landscapes of our town’s yesteryear on Monday, Aug. 21 at 7pm. Join Bonita Risley, the collections coordinator at the Avalon History Center, for a Historic Garden Lecture featuring information on Avalon’s natural landscape and indigenous plants and a look back at what Avalon’s gardens looked like at the turn of the 20th century.
Stone Harbor closes out the summer with a bang, featuring its annual Merchants’ Day Sidewalk Sale on Saturday, Aug. 26 from 9am to 5pm. Shop ’til you drop and browse the wares of more than 150 participants offering major deals on clothing, shoes, home décor, beach needs, books and so much more! Grab the discounts and enjoy a full day of deals before stopping at one of the many dining establishments in town to grab a refreshment and a bite to eat. This event is not to be missed, so hit the town and shop! For more information, go to
And there we have it, friends. The sun sets on summer 2017 and it truly was the best one yet. Honestly, those fireworks in July were amazing! And while it was a great summer, I’m not sad, because as I’ve often said before … the best is yet to come. Fall on the Seven Mile Beach is one amazing secret and if you haven’t experienced it before, mark your calendars. Cooler temps, great shopping, delicious dining and quiet, peaceful beaches. It doesn’t get better than that! Oh, wait it does … we also have our Seafood Festival, the Savor September Beer and Wine Festival, Octoberfest and more great family-fun events to enjoy! See you in September!